My Cow Mania Page
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You think I'd have a sight without my cows...
Enjoy all my moo friends.

Click on the dancing cow and see a whole bunch of cows dancing
Check out and see what Gladys the cow is doing by clicking on the link.

A Cool Recipie
The cow pieA barnyard surprise your kids will love!2 cups (12 ounces) milk chocolate chips
1 tablespoon shortening
l/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup chopped slivered almonds
In a double boiler over simmering water, melt the chocolate chips and shortening, stirring until smooth.
Remove from the heat; stir in raisins and almonds. Drop by tablespoonfuls onto waxed paper. Chill until ready to serve. Yield: 2 dozen.

Some Cute Cow Jokes...
Why do cows wear bells?
Because their horns don't work.
What is the most important use for cowhide?
It keeps the cow together.
What do you call Eskimo cows?
What gives milk and says, "Ooom, oom?"
A cow walking backwards.
What do you call a cow who works for a gardener?
A lawn moo-er.
Where do cows go on vacation?
Moo York.
Did you hear about the cow who couldn't give milk?
She was an udder failure.
What happens when a cow stops shaving?
It grows a Moostache.
What sound do you hear when you drop a bomb on a cow?
What do cows usually fly around in?
Helicowpters and Bulloons.
What do cows do on a Saturday night?
They go to the moovies.
What does a farmer use to count his cows?
A cow-culator.
What do cows like to do at amoosement parks?
Ride on the roller cowster.
What game do little cows like to play?
What kind of cowfee do cows like?
What does one call a sleeping cow?
A bull dozer.
How would you get a cow in your car?
Promise to let her steer.
What do you call a herd of cows in a psychiatrists office?
An encownter group.
What do you call it when cows do battle in outer space?
Steer Wars.
Why did the farmer feed his cow money?
He wanted rich milk.
Why did the chef watch the lazy cow?
He liked to see meat loaf.
Did you hear about the cow who couldn't give milk?
They called her a milk dud!

Click the button to play a cute game.
I think cows are cool, and here's why:
they give us milk (did you know that the pH level of cow milk is 6? That means it's a little acidic, for anyone who wants to know)
they go "moo"
they're innocent - have you ever seen an evil cow? Even if someone tried to make one, it wouldn't seem evil, it'd just be funny!
they have individuality - no two cows have the same spots
they can pick their noses with their tongues
they can blow up
they have a different stomach for each food group
they give us cowpies
they are used as air-to-ground weapons by Russian airliners
they're spiritual (holy cow - ha, ha)

Cows Are Awesome
Check out the link to my Cow Page.

Click on the link and play a game called Flip the cow

You Might Be A Dairy Farmer...

If you know the price of milk per hundred weight but not by the gallon.
If the medicine cabinet contains a container of Bag Balm.
If you've ever gotten an award for fat (and were proud of it).
If your idea of a power lunch is a sandwich on a tractor.
If your idea of a neighborhood watch is someone calling you to let you know your heifers are out.
If you have more than a dozen cats.
If your idea of overnite delivery is pulling a calf at three in the morning.
If you can remember the name of every cow on your farm but the names of your children elude you.
If manure is a dinner table topic.
If your backyard ends at an electric fence.


God Bless America