My Dedication Page
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This Page Is For My Family...
This is a page along with the next that I wanted to send a special message to my family and friends.


My one and only son...
Dylan, Mommy loves you so much! I am so glad that I have the chance to raise a little boy and I have no doubt you will turn out to be a fine young man. You are talking up a storm now and you are such a smart little boy. I am so proud of you.
Beverly Jennings 1956-2002
Dear Bev,
I am going to miss you. We shared a friendship like no other and I am so grateful for the time we had together. You will always be in my heart and I will never forget the way we would stay up all night and watch stupid things on tv. The egg salad sandwiches and the way we picked on Pete. Even though we would drive to the hospital every week because we had to not because we wanted to I will never forget the things we talked about and the fun we had. You are a rose Bev and you will never be forgotten.
I Love You.

Death Of A Friend
When a friend dies, one isn't truly forgotten...

Specially when touched by the lives of others, without asking
From heart to heart, in such a loving, caring and unique fashion
When a friend dies, one isn't truly gone...
Though departed in the physical but remains in my mind's gate
With me forever, regardless of their untimely fate

When a friend dies, one isn't truly lost...
But is found and lives in the hearts of all of us
Simply because we love em'... the recipient of our trust

When a friend dies, one must travel alone...
Each one has his own special road, the route is created by each own
Without help, each must walk alone; to our final destination, home

When a friend dies, everyone becomes hurt...
Though no mere words can ever categorize the sorrow
It's good memories fused with time that helps us through tomorrow

When a friend dies, God is still in control...
Knowing that in the good or the bad, we are still blessed
Because our God, not us, knows what's truly best

Though how can it be explained when a friend dies, yet we still remain
Until I see God and He makes it all clear -- at least I know He's always near
I'll always remember my friend that I held dear, as I wipe away this tear.
Welcome Back In My Life Allan
6 Years is a long time! I am glad we have started talking and I am glad we can get along again.
"We're all in this together, We're just people, Just Friends."
To my 3 baby girls...
Girls, You are all my Angels! I love each and every one of you with all my heart. I am so proud of you all for being so good and working so hard at all you do. The best times I have are when I am with you! (((HUGS))) and SMOOTCHES!!
Dad, this is for you!
I know how much you love Mickey!! Thank you for everything! I would be lost without you! I love you!(((hugs)))
Mom, This is for you!
I love you Mom, Thank you for all you have done. I would be lost without you! (((hugs)))
Hey Pete
We always made a great team. I will love you forever. You will always be in my heart. You have always been there for me no matter what. I love that about you!