My Photo and PSP Page
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This is some of the work I have done...
I am really into making pictures with the PSP program and I thought I would share some of my work with you.
Please be kind and leave my work here. I will update it as I make more.
Please be patient as the images are large and take time to load. This page is large so be sure to scroll over to be sure you see all the images.I updated the pictures on June 10, 2003.

Please remember our troops. They are fighting for our freedom!!!

Lady Aqua sent the second image to me. Isn't it awesome?

God Bless America!!!

The Award from Lady Aqua Click on the picture and go to her site.

Made for a challenge on a list I am on.

Angie and I did this one

The Kids!!!

I won 1st place with this tag!

Took the picture in Merrimack, NH and then did this with it!!!

God Bless The USA

My Art Challenge for a list I am on.

Our Newest Addition to the Family!!!

Gone But Not Forgotten

My daughter loves horses

Make sure you scroll to the right for more pics. This page is large.