My Pets
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Here are some pics of my animals
You will see that I am a cat lover! At the current time we have 2 cats and 2 hampsters. Auntie and Munchkin are our cats and they get into everything! Ren and Stimpy are the hampsters and they are great. Very loveable and quiet. The pictures on this page are my pets from my old apartment and from my life. I love them all and miss them so much. The pictures may take a few minutes to load, but I assure you they are definately worth the wait.

This is Cocoa
She is a year old and here she is pretending she is a stuffed animal. Cocoa sits up here a lot and watches me on the computer. I had to give her up when I moved but she is living with another family and doing very well. We all miss her very much.
This Is Minnie Moosie
She is only a few months old, but she gets into everything. This is something we don't see to often...SHE IS SLEEPING. She has also gone to live with someone else and she will be missed. She got into everything and from what I hear she still does.
This is Mama Moosie
She is a great cat and we love her to pieces. I tried very hard not to give Moosie up, however I could not take her with me when I moved so she also recieved a great home. She has a big family and is very happy.
This is Rugrat
Rugrat is a cool cat. He has double paws and is a very affectionate and loving cat. From what I have been told he is doing great and is still as loveable as when I had him. Rugrat, I love and miss you.

Angela and Sammy
This is the dog, Sammy, he lives with my exhusband up in northern New Hampshire. This picture was taken back in 1995, but from what I hear he still looks the same. Sammy is a great dog and loves the girls to pieces. We love him too.
Sammy is almost 12 years old now and he is still just as loveable as he was here in this picture.
Here is Minnie Moo Playing
This is what she does most of the time, play, and make lots of noise. She is a handful, but a very sweet kitten.
This is Sneazy. He doesn't live with us anymore, but we still love him. He was the first cat Pete and I got when we moved here. I went downstairs to borrow and ash tray and I came back with him and no ash tray. I pouted and got to keep him. He was a great cat and he is now living with a friend of ours chasing mice.
My Computer Buddy
This is Cocoa, Angela's cat. She loves to sit on the monitor and watch us play on the computer. Angie misses her so much but she knows she is doing great with her new family. I do miss her sitting on top of the computer watching me work.

This is Bear the Cat
Bear the Cat...
He was a great cat. He loved to swing in the baby's swing and he was a very loving cat. He played hard and got stuck in many different spots. He had an unfortunate accident last year and lost his life, but he will always be in our hearts. We love you Bear.

This is Tigger. He no longer lives with us. He was a cat that loved to cuddle and be petted. He was overly affectionate with humans, because he had it so rough with other cats. He was the runt of the liter and got beat up by every other cat we had. He was so depressed that we had to find him a home with no other animals. I miss him the most, because he would cuddle up to me every night while I was sleeping a pur in my ear.

Hope you enjoyed my pet page