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What's Going On...
Well let's see. Things are still hectic as usual. Dylan is getting into everything now. He is 30 months old. The girls are doing great and getting bigger and bigger every day. Jessi is still doing the all stars in her cheerdance class and I am very proud of her. Angie has been spending many weekends away with her friends and I am so glad she is having fun. Ally is turning into a beautiful girl and I am proud of her accomplishments. They are all doing outstanding in school. And believe it or not they still love their baby brother. I have updated my page of my PSP work. Check it out, also check out my links on the 2 link pages. I have added a few. Make sure to look at my good friend Samantha's page. It is great. She is into PSP too and she does such beautiful work. She taught me a lot with PSP. Thanks Samantha. Keep checking back to see what's new and don't forget to sign the guestbook. Have a Great 2003.

The History or Story Behind My Site
I wanted to do a site on all the things that my family enjoys. I hope I have touched on things that we enjoy and as new things come up I will be adding them. Keep coming back
(((HUGS))) to you all.

To My Friends.
And I never thought I'd feel this way and as far as I'm concerned I'm glad I got the chance to say
that I do believe I love you.
And if I should ever go away well then close your eyes and try
To feel the way we do today
and then if you can remember:
knowing you can always count on me for sure -
That's what friends are for.
For good times and bad times
i'll be on your side forever more -
That's what friends are for.
you came and opened me
and now there's so much more I see And so by the way I thank you. Oh
and then for the times when we're apart
then close your eyes
and lovely words are comin' from my heart
And then if you can remember:
Keep smilin'
keep shinin'

That's what friends are for.

Pray For Our Troops!!!

God Bless